Re: [linux-audio-user] agnula/demudi unable to acces the internet.

From: Dave Phillips <dlphillips@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Mar 05 2006 - 17:10:53 EET

baldobe wrote:

>I had a read through this:
>To see how I can get my demudi distro to connect to the internet but I am
>getting nowhere.
>I loaded up Network settings and added a connection for eth0 Lan card but
>when I tell it to conenct it just does nothing. The mouse pointer still
>works but I get no reponse from anything and I still can not connect to the
>Can someone guide me through this process please.
Hi Bal:

  It was a pain for me too, but I finally figured out a way to make it work.

  I'm on a high-speed cable modem connection. On some systems it
connects automatically (my laptop with RH9) and on others it doesn't (my
desktop with RH9 and Debian Etch). With RH9 I simply do (as root) :

    /etc/init.d/network restart

Unfortunately that doesn't work with my Debian system. I discovered that
I could do this :

    pump -i eth0

I'm not sure about the option flag, I'm not at that machine. Btw, I
think you'll need to be the root user.

That completely knocks out eth0. Then I run this command :

    ifup eth0

And that makes the connection. Weird, I know, but it works.

As someone else wrote, you may have good luck with the GNOME network
configurator, it's worth a try.


Received on Sun Mar 5 20:15:06 2006

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