Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: Aligning audiofiles for different recorders.

From: Alex Polite <notmyprivateemail@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Mar 08 2006 - 16:01:32 EET

On 3/7/06, Arnold Krille <arnold.krille@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> I just figured a single person cluttering around at the interviewees
> house struggling with wireless-set, compressor, mixer and recorder
> (which might be laptop + external interface) which all need power and
> a lot of cords to connect them and something doesn't work as it should
> and the interviewee has only limited time for you and you waste it by
> adjusting levels on three-to-four different devices...

Exactly thing I want to avoid.


Alex Polite - finding the right open source
Received on Wed Mar 8 16:15:07 2006

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