--- Cesare Marilungo <cesare@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> R Parker wrote:
> >>>anyone had a look to http://www.jamendo.com ?
> >>>***
> >>>Philippe
> >>>
> >>>
> >
> >I have.
> >
> >
> >
> >>Looks very promising!
> >>It looks like they already have that
> infrastructure
> >>set up?
> >>I'd never heard of that site - thanks for the
> link!
> >>Looks like they're using the 'tags' idea already.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >>From their page titled, Our rules;
> >http://www.jamendo.com/us/static/engagements/
> >"We are committed to exclude all "explicit" content
> >(sex, racism, …) both in the music and in the
> >advertisements."
> >
> >A predominant theme behind this conversation has
> been
> >Freedom. Yes or no? The statement from the Jamendo
> >rules is not something that anyone who values
> freedom
> >would ever enforce upon anyone. Unless that person
> is
> >just to ignorant or naive to get it. To the defense
> of
> >the Jamendo organizers maybe they are just
> dumbasses
> >and not nazi's, fascists or fucking pigs of
> whatever
> >flavor is in favor. And that's about the best
> defense
> >they deserve.
> >
> >There is no integrity in censorship. The Jamendo
> crew
> >can kiss my American ass.
> >
> >ron
> >
> >__________________________________________________
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> >
> >
> >
> >
> So you're telling us that you can value freedom and
> be a racist or a
> sexist at the same time?
That is correct.
I stand for your right to say anything you want
whether it be racist or sexist does not constitue an
exception. I argue for your right to speak out against
anything you find objectionable including racism and
sexism. I stand in defense of your freedom to speak
your mind.
If you do not allow someone to be sexist or racist
then you value your judgment as being greater than
freedom. And to excersize your judgement requires you
to assume power over another human.
I do not require governance to deal with racism in
speech. I affirm my strength as a free thinking human
without laws that control me and put you into a
position of power. I am born with dignity, I want to
keep it and use it.
Do you think individuals lack the ability to speak
against racism?
> And you really believe that if you want you can
> administer a service
> like jamendo avoiding any kind of censorship without
> considering any
> legality issue?
> I'm trying to be calm.
What does your calm have to do with anything? Is that
a threat in cloak; be careful or I'll lose my calm and
unleash my special brand of hell upon you. If that's
the case and you support the governance of free speech
then you are exactly the kind of person I fear and
If that statement is to say, I'm trying to remain calm
in order to discuss something then we freely debate.
It's not within my power to interpret your meaning as
it applies to the interests of this community and to
construct a fuckin' rule. It is your opportunity and
right to make your meaning clear and known to
everyone. This isn't the greatest example of U.S. free
speech in practice but it's an example.
> c.
> --
> www.cesaremarilungo.com
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