Quoting Cesare Marilungo <cesare@email-addr-hidden>:
> R Parker wrote:
>>>> anyone had a look to http://www.jamendo.com ?
>>>> ***
>>>> Philippe
>> I have.
>>> Looks very promising!
>>> It looks like they already have that infrastructure
>>> set up?
>>> I'd never heard of that site - thanks for the link!
>>> Looks like they're using the 'tags' idea already.
I don't know if you guys commented on last.fm recently,
they offer similar services. They also have a plugin
that you download which integrates with your audio
player and sends data about tracks you listen to
their site and update your profile so you can,
for example find your musical neighbours, and they
also implement tags and offer netlabels a place
to promote/store their releases.
The plugin is available for Windows/Linux/Mac OSX and FreeBSD.
Like the player they offer for download that serves you
radio stations according to your playlist preferences.
-- "I happen to think that computers are the most important thing to happen to musicians since the invention of cat-gut which was a long time ago. " Robert MoogReceived on Sun Mar 12 00:15:08 2006
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