Hi Eric,
Eric Dantan Rzewnicki wrote:
> tim hall wrote:
>> Please consider joining:
>> debian-multimedia@email-addr-hidden
> I've been lurking there for some time. I would very much like to have
> much more time to participate than I currently am able to give. :(
Ah yes, so I see! :)
>> We seem to be building a 'Debian multimedia strike force' or something
>> like that here. Debian actually has a relatively small number of
>> multimedia/audio devs and it is necessary for non-DDs to take on a
>> considerable amount of the work. Debian-multimedia can effectively
>> co-maintain or sponsor NMUs, which I think is what we're doing with
>> the new version of Rosegarden4. It's early days yet. Debian-multimedia
>> seems to be a good meeting point for DeMuDi, UbuntuStudio and pure
>> Debianites to work from. There is some very interesting potential here
>> and it would be great to have you on board.
> It would be great to be on board. I'm hoping that after LAC2006 my
> schedule might open up a bit so I can dedicate more time to the
> community. I can't promise anything, yet, though, much as I would like
> to ...
Very much understood. Emails turn into a vague blur after a while. Look
forward to catching up with you on various conference IRC channels then
- I have neither the time nor funds to travel.
tim hall
Received on Wed Mar 29 16:15:10 2006
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