On 04/13/2006 01:33 PM, tim hall wrote:
> Christoph Eckert wrote:
>>> Computers count from zero. Always have, always will.
>> yes, of course, I know.
>> But it is possible to hide this in user interfaces. IMHO the machines
>> have to serve the humans, not the other way around.
>> How many mails are you reading right now, 0 or 1 ;-) ?
> It's not a question of number, it's a question of counter position. Yes
> it does my head in too, but when was the last time you counted from 1 on
> a ruler?
Indeed. I find it amusing that there is a suggestion that
counting from '0' is unintuitive in a forum where things we call
'notes' are counted in sets from 'A' to 'G', but starting at 'C'. :-)
-- Frank Wales [frank@email-addr-hidden]Received on Thu Apr 13 20:15:03 2006
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