Re: [linux-audio-user] Midi problems with Yamaha PSR-273

From: Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas <pedro.lopez.cabanillas@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Apr 27 2006 - 00:38:08 EEST


On Wednesday, 26 de April de 2006 00:10:05 +0300, Esa Linna wrote:
> Thanks, I tried KMidimon - should it show midi signals in realtime if I
> press keys?

Yes. You should use the latest version from sourceforge (0.4.1) or CVS.

1. Settings->Configure KMidimon. Check everything under "Filters" tab (it is
the default setting). Take a look to the "Display" tab, too.

2. Use Connections->Connect All, or Connections->Configure Connections and
check everything in "Available ports". You should see some "ALSA Port
Subscribed" messages.

Now, you should see MIDI messages in realtime while you are pressing keys. To
check if there is something wrong with ALSA sequencer, try also "vkeybd" (a
software virtual keyboard). Use the Connections menu in KMidimon after
starting the vkeybd program.

Received on Thu Apr 27 12:15:02 2006

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