Hey all,
So I sat down last night to do a little sequencing with my Roland
RD-700SX. Since Rosegarden was giving me fits, I jumped over to MusE,
got everything setup, and started trying to play. The latency was
awful. I'm curious what I'm doing wrong...here's a quick rundown on
what I have going:
Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper, using the default kernel (I wonder if this is it?
Does MIDI latency depend on having a preemptable kernel?)
Jack wasn't running, I was doing all of the MIDI connections via MusE.
Finally, I was connecting the RD directly to my computer via the USB
port for my MIDI interface. aconnect recognized it just fine.
My guess is that, somehow, good MIDI latency somehow depends on having
a preemptable kernel running, but that is just a guess. Or maybe I
need to be making all of my MIDI connections via jack?
Normally I wouldn't pester the list with something like this, but I
have to have this sequence done tonight. I didn't adequately test my
new setup prior to committing to having this done, so I'm kinda in a
pinch. Any direction you can give me on troubleshooting this would be
-- Josh Lawrence http://www.hardbop200.comReceived on Thu May 4 20:15:05 2006
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