On Fri, 02 Jun, 2006 at 12:11PM +0200, Asbj?rn S?b? spake thus:
> On Wed, May 31, 2006 at 09:45:36PM +0200, Alex Polite wrote:
> > I need to programatically pad a wav file with x frames of silence. I
> > figure the best way of doing is to generate a wav file containing x
> > frames of silence and concatenate the generated file with the
> > original. Problem is I don't know how to generate the silence.
> Read the wave file into octave (wavread()).
> Generate all the zeros you want (zeros()).
> Append the the zeros to the original.
> Write the wave file out again (wavwrtie()).
> > The method I'm using now feels kind of backwards. I generate two sine
> > waves that are phase shifted in relation to one another and then I mix
> > them so that they cancel one another out.
> If you can generate a sine wave, why not generate one with amplitude
> zero?
Maybe that particular kind of silence is copyrighted?
If only that quip wasn't inspired by fact.
> Asbj?rn
Received on Fri Jun 2 16:15:03 2006
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