There is a provider in Switzerland and Austria called 'SipCall' which
offers Swiss and Austrian PSTN numbers for free and is rapidly expanding
(phone calls to regular PSTN numbers are charged). If you want to call
pure SIP clients you would probably have to run an asterisk or similar
server under your own domain and call forward to this service. It's
something I've been wanting to do for quite a while but never got round to.
If you sign up, please take the time to do so over my web site! I make a
profit from recommending them but the reason I do so is that I use them
for all my private and business calls and am very satisfied with them.
If you want to create a server I'd be only to happy to participate in
some way!
-- All the music your friends don't know yet - for free! http://carlocapocasa.comReceived on Fri Jun 2 16:15:03 2006
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