2006/6/24, Markus Herhoffer <markus@herhoffer.net>:
> What do you think about a classical pci-card with cables and a
> customized break-out panel for the 19" rack? On
> http://www.schaeffer-apparatebau.de you can order a customized panel for
> less than 40?. Cinch sockets are less than 1?.
As long as your definition of "classical pci-card" doesnt contain
low-grade consumer cards. If it does, forget it. The technician will
kill you for the low quality and high noise, your band and the
audience will probably kill you as well for the bad sound.
Most (perhaps even all) of the quality products (pci-based) already
have a breakoutbox or a lot of cables. Because they aren't satisfied
with stereo-mini-jacks and there isn't much space for normal-sized
jacks or even XLR sockets on a pci-slot...
PS: My current dream setup apart from Firewire is that RME with 3x
adat-io and a cheap behringer ada800(0?) for the start (2x ~200€).
Extendible andfully digital, if you have enough money, buy a second
ad/da and/or throw out the behringer...
-- visit http://dillenburg.dyndns.org/~arnold/ --- Wenn man mit Raubkopien Bands wie Brosis oder Britney Spears wirklich verhindern könnte, würde ich mir noch heute einen Stapel Brenner und einen Sack Rohlinge kaufen.Received on Mon Jun 26 00:15:16 2006
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