Re: [linux-audio-user] om in ubuntu dapper spitting errors with presets

From: Patrick Shirkey <pshirkey@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Aug 12 2006 - 17:39:16 EEST


Check the page on the om wiki about plugins. It has links to most of the
main ladspa deps.


Hartmut Noack wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hello,
> i try to find a replacement for ams, that is not actively developed
> unfortunately.
> So i check out OM right now and i find it very promising. Still i cannot
> work with it as i can in ams. The usabilityconcept is strange at best,
> stability could be improved a lot etc etc and most annoying: if i load
> one of the preset-files, that come with om, i get a huge list of errors
> and the patch seems not to do as intended:
> ERROR: Unable to find object /modula1/op3/amp_env/Attack Time (s)
> ERROR: Unable to find object /modula1/op3/amp_env/Attack Time (s)
> ERROR: Unable to find object /modula1/op3/amp_env/Decay Time (s)
> ERROR: Unable to find object /modula1/op3/amp_env/Decay Time (s)
> ERROR: Unable to find object /modula1/op3/amp_env/Release Time (s)
> ERROR: Unable to find object /modula1/op3/amp_env/Release Time (s)
> ERROR: Unable to make connection /modula1/op3/gate/in ->
> /modula1/op3/amp_env/Gate
> ERROR: Unable to make connection /modula1/op3/trigger/in ->
> /modula1/op3/amp_env/Trigger
> ERROR: Unable to make connection /modula1/op3/attack/in ->
> /modula1/op3/amp_env/Attack Time (s)
> ERROR: Unable to make connection /modula1/op3/decay/in ->
> /modula1/op3/amp_env/Decay Time (s)
> ERROR: Unable to make connection /modula1/op3/sustain/in ->
> /modula1/op3/amp_env/Sustain Level
> ERROR: Unable to make connection /modula1/op3/release/in ->
> /modula1/op3/amp_env/Release Time (s)
> ERROR: Unable to find port /modula1/op3/amp_env/Attack Time (s)
> ERROR: Unable to find port /modula1/op3/amp_env/Decay Time (s)
> ERROR: Unable to find port /modula1/op3/amp_env/Sustain Level
> ERROR: Unable to find port /modula1/op3/amp_env/Release Time (s)
> Do i need to install some more plugins or is my configuration the
> troublemaker?
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> iD8DBQFE3cVp1Aecwva1SWMRAkdFAJ4pXp7MY2eDW84Ov9Rg3wsWqUHupgCgidGU
> DWZmlckY+b/XKfl/GL9UXCk=
> =cx5L

Patrick Shirkey - Boost Hardware Ltd. - The Linux Audio Users guide
"Anything your mind can see you can manifest physically, then it will 
become reality" - Macka B
Received on Sat Aug 12 20:15:03 2006

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