Quoting Davy Wentzler <info@email-addr-hidden-evolution.com>:
> Hello,
> First of all, this is my first post here on the list. I'm in the process
> of porting my audio hard disk recording program 'Audio Evolution'
> from AmigaOS4 (running on PowerPC) to wxWidgets. This will allow
> me to release it more easily on other platforms like Windows and Linux.
> Although using wxWidgets means that a big part of the program is
> portable, some other parts like audio and plug-ins (think LADSPA, JACK)
> would have to be written specifically for Linux. Now comes the big
> question: since this is commercial software (with a price between
> 35 and 45 euro), would it be worth the effort to release it on Linux?
>From the screenshot you posted, it seems that your software doesn't do
anything which Ardour couldn't do.
I think the quesitons just comes back to you: What does your program do that
makes it worth the 35-45 euro for someone who already runs Ardour / MusE /
Received on Sat Aug 19 16:15:03 2006
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