Re: [linux-audio-user] Ardour: trying to add a "bus" causes a crash?

From: Ichthyostega <prg@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Aug 31 2006 - 04:51:40 EEST

Hash: SHA1

Sylvain Robitaille schrieb:
> When I try to add a bus to the session ("Session -> Add Track/Bus"), it
> causes Ardour to crash (many thanks to the Ardour developers for adding
> intelligent crash recovery! I haven't lost any real work thanks to that.)
> I can add a "track" without any problem, but what I'm after here is a
> "bus".
> I _think_ I'm doing this right. The project presently has 16 tracks,
> and the master bus, and I want to add a bus to use to connect post-fader
> sends from selected tracks, as an effects bus (with the effect inserted
> as a pre-fader plugin on the bus). I already have a (not connected)
> post-fader send on one of my tracks, ready to connect to the bus I'm
> trying to create.

Hello Sylvain,

I don't have any idea why it is crashing off my head now, but -- to
get more infos -- just a few questions / suggestions....

1) have you the "automatically connect new tracks/busses" switch on?
   try to set it to off, so you can see if its just the adding of
   the bus or the connections that crash ardour.
2) does the crash happen as well, if you use a smaller project
   (e.g. only the master bus or just one track)?
3) why are you trying to use a post fader send? why don't you just
   connect the output of your track(s) to the new bus besides the
   master bus, add your plugin on the bus pre or post fader and
   connect the output of the bus to whatever you like. I'm doing
   the latter frequently, but I must confess, I never used a
   send ;-)

hope this helps,
Hermann Vosseler

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