[linux-audio-user] Jack Realtime - delay of xxx usecs exceeds estimated spare time of yyy restart ...

From: Mathias Friman <mathias.friman@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Sep 18 2006 - 20:08:06 EEST

Hi List!

I have a bit of a problem with running Jack in Realtime under Ubuntu Dapper.

I've put the appropriate lines in /etc/security/limits.conf, that is:
@audio - rtprio 99
@audio - memlock 250000
@audio - nice -10

I'm a member of the audio-group
and have a line as follows in my fstab

none /tmp/jack tmpfs defaults 0 0

but i keep getting these lines from Jack:

delay of xxx usecs exceeds estimated spare time of yyy restart ...
repeat ad infinitum.

My soundcard (an old crappy AC'97 compatible) shares IRQ 11 with eth0 and ath0 (not running).
I got a tip to turn off ACPI, but that didn't help.

What does this delay mean, and how could one avoid it?

regards, Mathias
Received on Mon Sep 18 20:15:04 2006

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