There is no 'install' capability. I could put one in, its just that I don't
like attempting to tweak other peoples computers so had the startBristol
script look for its libraries, binaries and bitmaps in its own
subdirectories. The main issue is with the bitmaps and memories, they don't
really have a 'correct' location.
Yes, the patch transparencies are a bit of a performance hog, that is really
noticable with the memories as to maintain this layer each patch has to be
independently removed. This is not really necessary for memories, I still
intend to implement a 'clear all' option that is actually implemented in the
engine (it was needed to ensure that bristol and brighton were in agreement
on the patches.
Optimising all the color management and bitmap rendering code is on my
wishlist which will improve that also. At the moment it has absolutely no
optimisation and yes, that is now noticable. Since the transparency layer is
also going to be used for other features I will work on some changes.
>From: Malte Steiner <steiner@email-addr-hidden>
>Reply-To: steiner@email-addr-hidden,A list for linux audio users
>To: A list for linux audio users <linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden>
>Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: ANN: bristol 0.9.5-60
>Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2006 14:15:04 +0200
>got bristol compiled and running with jack on ubuntu laptop. Had some fun
>with the new ARP 2600 although the gui is a but sluggish while changing
>patches from the memorys.
>I wounder if there supposed to be an installation routine like
>./build install
>or something. Couldn't find one and ended up copying the required libs to
>the right places manually.
>Malte Steiner
>media art + development
>next events:
>elektronengehirn exhibition, lecture + concert @ Piksel 2006, Bergen,
>Norway 12.-15. october
>more at blog 4, also available as rss feed:
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