[linux-audio-user] Linux compatibile controller keyboard?

From: yonatan <yonatan_avraham@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Oct 12 2006 - 10:11:11 EEST


Can anyone offer experiences on using either of these controllers with

E-Mu XBoard25 (or XBoard49)
Edirol PCR-M30 (or PCR-M50)

This page only mentions the XBoard (although it mentions the older Edirol
without the M):

This page mentions both of the above makes as working:

Other than the above, searching the list turned up some questions about the
XBoard, and I couldn't find anything about the Edirol. It looks like they
will both work, but any more information would be helpful.


View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Linux-compatibile-controller-keyboard--tf2428499.html#a6771114
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Received on Thu Oct 12 12:15:02 2006

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