On Wed, Nov 29, 2006 at 04:35:45AM +0100, Kjetil S. Matheussen wrote:
> Forest Bond:
> >I am using snd-ls I have searched through documentation, and
> >fail to
> >see how I can define the end point of a selection started with C-space.
> >Am I
> >missing something? I would like to move the cursor into position, press
> >C-space, move the cursor to a new position, and press some key to have the
> >selection end there. I am expecting to see a high-lighted selection at
> >the end
> >of that process.
> I don't know if theres anything built in, but its relatively easy to add a
> keybinding to do it yourself.
> To let C-space select both start and end of selection plus cancel it, put
> the following lines into your .snd-ls file:
> (bind-key (char->integer #\ ) 4
> (let ((selstart #f))
> (lambda ()
> (let ((set-selstart! (lambda ()
> (report-in-minibuffer (format #f
> "Selection start at ~A" (cursor)))
> (set! selstart (cursor)))))
> (if (c-selection?)
> (begin
> (set! (selection-member? #t) #f)
> (set-selstart!))
> (if selstart
> (begin
> (c-set-selection! (c-selected-sound) 0 (min
> selstart (cursor)) (max selstart (cursor)))
> (report-in-minibuffer "")
> (set! selstart #f))
> (set-selstart!)))))))
> (load-from-path "snd_conffile.scm")
Hmm. I definately wouldn't have come up with that. How do people normally
terminate a selection? Or is it just always done with the mouse? If so, why
have the default C-space binding at all?
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