Re: [linux-audio-user] The BIG picture

From: Chuckk Hubbard <badmuthahubbard@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Dec 22 2006 - 04:37:04 EET

On 12/21/06, Lee Revell <> wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-12-21 at 19:41 -0500, lanas wrote:
> > 2) The WHOLE thing
> >
> > That is, to plug in the keyboard in the MIDI port. To record
> > and/or sequence a track or two or three. To mike the guitar or
> > accoustic bass or flute or sax or whatever and add tracks. To
> > have mixing techniques that takes into consideration sound
> > characteristics. To have mixdown techniques that promotes a
> > leveled approach to 'sound' mix.
> >
> Get a good book on doing this stuff with Pro Tools - the vast majority
> of the material will be relevant to Ardour.

I can't speak for either of these programs, but I have not found this
true with other proprietary-free program combinations. The majority
of professionals still use Mac, and expensive software.

However, Pure Data does all those things on its own, albeit with more
prep time. That is, you program your own sequencers and everything.
It can do it all, but it takes some experience with all of Pure Data's
ins and outs to be able to set it up. You *can't* do all that with
Pure Data within a week of first reading the documentation, lol.

Also, it's not my favorite program, but I believe Rosegarden actually
does everything on your list.

Received on Fri Dec 22 08:15:02 2006

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