[linux-audio-user] The BIG picture

From: lanas <lanas@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Dec 22 2006 - 02:41:06 EET


  Is there any web site out there that details - dare I say for
dummies - how to do the WHOLE thing using the tools we have access to ?

  1) The tools

     You know, the Linux audio tools which may include Ardour,
     Rezound, Zyn, Linux Sampler, JAMin, MuSE, cdrecord, etc...

  2) The WHOLE thing

     That is, to plug in the keyboard in the MIDI port. To record
     and/or sequence a track or two or three. To mike the guitar or
     accoustic bass or flute or sax or whatever and add tracks. To
     have mixing techniques that takes into consideration sound
     characteristics. To have mixdown techniques that promotes a
     leveled approach to 'sound' mix.

  Apart from taking courses in an audio recording school (of which
there are several around) is there a web site or two that specifically
adresses audio techniques using Linux audio tools ?

Received on Fri Dec 22 04:15:09 2006

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