Re: [linux-audio-user] Realtime kernel - what's the current status?

From: Marc-Olivier Barre <mobarre@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Dec 27 2006 - 16:05:47 EET

On 12/27/06, Peter Clarke <pgclarke@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> What's the current status of the realtime-enabled kernel?
> Up till now I've been using the patched 2.6.16-rt26 on an
> i686. I just re-synced my Gentoo packages list and found
> that the latest standard kernel is 2.6.19-r2. I'm using
> rezound and muse with JACK. Do I still need to use a
> patched kernel - or has the necessary realtime capability
> found its way into the mainstream kernel? If so, I guess I
> would still need the realtime module. Is this correct?
> Thanks,
> Peter C

You still need to patch your kernel. But you have to know that a lot
of external modules still don't support some of the changes that
appeared in 2.6.19 (the death of config.h for instance). My advice if
you want an upgrade is to go for a 2.6.18 for at least a month or so
before switching to 2.6.19, or just keep your 2.6.16 if you have no
urgency in an upgrade at the moment.
Marc-Olivier Barre,
Received on Wed Dec 27 16:15:04 2006

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