On Sun, Jan 07, 2007 at 03:47:19PM +0100, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 07, 2007 at 09:36:50AM -0500, Dave Phillips wrote:
> > I don't recall if it's JACKed but that's a must.
> It is.
> > A worthy and laudable interest. I'm dismayed by the slowdown re:
> > development of native Linux synths, and I see more projects languishing
> > instead of moving forward.
> Dave, do you think there is a place for a softsynth that would be
> modular but with a fixed set of modules, everyhing controlled from
> one window, no patch cables, only 'hardware controls' such as
> sliders and switches, each one assignable to MIDI, and of course
> uncompromising audio quality ?
> In other words a synth that would be easy to use and optimised for
> 'live' work, sort of a MiniMoog on steroids ? Polyphonic of course but
> not multi-timbral - just start two or three of them if you need that.
Didn't you just describe amSynth ? :-)
I use it frequently, precisely because it's so simple.
Don't know if all its parameters are MIDI-controllable, though.
My current use of synthesis is not very demanding.
-- -PWReceived on Sun Jan 7 20:15:06 2007
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