Malte Steiner a écrit :
> Hello,
> the 64bit version is at 2.6.17-4 so maybe the 32bit is there too, what
> says synaptic or sudo apt-get update and distr-update?
Hmm. I use 32 bit version (AMD XP2200+) and I haven't seen other
multimedia kernels in aptitude...
> Otherwise you should address your concern to the 64studio-dev
> mailinglist, its on the 64studio site...
Yes, but as it's a development ml, I'm not sure it's adapted because my
question is a beginer's one ;-)
-- Yohann | mailto:yo@email-addr-hidden | MSN yoyo@email-addr-hidden | GPG: 0x43D83E36 C'est toi le nouveau ? Je ne sais pas, je viens d'arriverReceived on Mon Jan 8 00:15:02 2007
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