If you look at http://naturalstudio.co.uk/ns_kit7specs.html
you'll see there
Kick drums:
- Gretsch USA Maple kicks - 22", 20" (a multitude of tunings, from
open and ringy to punchy and fast).
- Sonor 16".
- Gretsch USA Maple 14" tom played as a kick!
So I think you should consider buying full (real) nskit. It's no very expensive.
Lucky you know exactly what you want :), and I think they (hmm, him?)
will reply all your questions regarding sound.
I'm not using it (yet), but plan to buy it when/if I will need
acoustic drums. Though, I just do not know any other acoustic drum
samples set :).
Received on Mon Jan 29 00:15:06 2007
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