Dave Phillips hat gesagt: // Dave Phillips wrote:
> Peter Plessas wrote:
> >The pd-graz community is proud to announce the release of the free
> >download version of the "bang | Pure Data" book.
> >
> >Grab your copy at: http://pd-graz.mur.at/label/book01
> Very cool news. However, interested persons should be advised that the
> bangbook is definitely *not* a Pd tutorial. Some articles have little to
> do with Pd directly, the overall intent of the book is more
> sociological and philosophical than practical, and much verbiage is
> expended on relating Pd to current media theory and cultural anthropology.
Indeed the book has a wide scope, that corresponds to the content of
the pd~convention. While the convention was in parts similar to the
LAC with providing technical talks and performances, there also was a
big part devoted to more theoretical discussions, where people from
outside the "Pd scene" were invited. The book tries to reflect that,
deliberatly taking the risk of appearing unfocused.
ADV: Anyway, I hope the online PDFs will also be seen as a "try before you
buy" offer. The book is really beautiful and at 24 Euro (including an
interesting DVD) it's hopefully not too expensive. It has a ISBN so
ordering it from any bookshop should be possible, otherwise just mail
info@email-addr-hidden-verlag.de if you have problems with their LANG=de_DE
webshop. End ADV.
-- Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__Received on Sun Feb 4 16:15:03 2007
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