You could try driving Alsaplayer through your own left ear.
lanas wrote:
> Not to mention xmms incompatibility with Beryl-like windowing/desktop
> stuff.
> Now, after playing a CD with xmms I want to play some tunes from the
> har drive. So I open the m3u file and after that xmms redoes all the
> connections to jack, bypassing the jamin connections I made. And xmms
> makes a lot of connections to the default alsa_pcm device )in this case
> supporting a M-Audio 1010LT). So I have to unconnect all of them and
> then connect xmms again to jamin.
> Is there a jack compatible ogg/mp3 player out there that does not do
> that ? Better yet, is there a xine jack plugin ?
> Cheers,
> Al
Received on Tue Feb 13 00:15:03 2007
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