> I'm working with some guys, and we're looking for a way to
> collaboratively record remotely. The application I'm looking for is:
> 1. Multitracking
> 2. Cross-platform, at least Win/Mac (I use Win and Linux, some use
> Mac, some use Windows.)
> 3. Compressed audio files so we can send it easily.
> Does anyone have any ideas?
> Audacity is close, and I would prefer not to have to use JACK on the
> Windows/Mac clients. But something that's a pain to set up is better
> than something that's a pain to work with. :-)
> Thanks,
> Nathan
I think ecasound fulfills those requirements. I (think) it builds on
Windows and I know I've seen posts about it building on Mac, but not
sure how easily.
Received on Fri Feb 16 04:15:03 2007
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