while this thread is kickin'
is there a way (other than jack) to use SC plugins/patches in pd. it
seems there are some nice ugens out there and i would love to use it
for live audio DSP if possible.
any suggestions SC users?
On 2/16/07, nescivi <nescivi@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Hiho,
> On Wednesday 14 February 2007 08:18, carmen wrote:
> > On Wed Feb 14, 2007 at 03:41:18PM +0900, Renick Bell wrote:
> > > Searching the archive, there has been very little mention of
> > > SuperCollider on this list in the past year
> I am using it a lot though.
> for example, last year I had a sound installation running SC on Linux,
> including the system autobooting into "emacs -sclang" in such a way that I
> could do a remote login to monitor it.
> > does it work on x86-64 yet? if no, can you get the same
> > performance/functionality from supyrcollider/hsc/ssc (et al) ?
> There has been some progress on getting it to run on x86-64 without problems.
> I am not sure what the current status is, but it should be working by now, I
> believe. Both Stefan Kersten and James McCartney have been working on it in
> the past year.
> To be sure, check the sc-dev list archives...
> >
> > how about jack.. fully native?
> yes
> sincerely,
> Marije
Received on Fri Feb 16 08:15:01 2007
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