Ivica Ico Bukvic wrote:
>>Today I have no good hopes for an audio-optimized general Linux desktop.
>>Tomorrow I might feel better about it all, but right now I really don't
>>see any organized effort to change the current situation.
>Geesh Dave, I know you are having a bad day, but this coming from the mouths
>of a board director of Linuxaudio.org... ;-)
Only one mouth here. ;)
Linuxaudio.org is indeed a hopeful light, but it's a small light,
probably hard to see from the vantage of GNOME/KDE/whatever desktop
My apologies, Ico, I didn't intend to critique the community's efforts
(or your own work). What dismays me is the lack of any energy from
*outside* the LA community directed *towards* the community. And
considering some of the heavy weights connected to Linux today, I really
have to wonder why this status remains quo. Example: IBM does audio
hardware, they also do Linux in a big way, and they have real industry
clout. IBM can offer real material assistance to Linux audio devs, but
afaik they don't. Why not ? They can deal with SCO's nonsense but can't
fund a Linux audio project ? While I'm pleased that IBM does support the
general community, I have to wonder just how aware they are of the LA
Any lurkers from IBM who want to add to these comments ?
Received on Wed Feb 21 20:15:03 2007
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