On Wed Feb 21, 2007 at 09:05:55AM -0500, Dave Phillips wrote:
> Greetings:
> I was wondering if anyone has successfully used ChucK in a 64-bit environment. I can build the app without any
> complaints from the compiler, but it segfaults whenever I try running a script. Also, the TAPESTREA program doesn't
> work x86_64, the GUI appears but no elements are usable. They do look nice though. :)
"ChucK/Audicle/miniAudicle do not yet support 64-bit. It should be okay,
however, if you run 32-bit executables. We are hoping to make it 64-bit
compatible someday soon."
i believe we'll see compatiblity sooner rather than later, given that they have a real team focused on their projects. unlike the author of SC who got sucked into one of the 2 talent blackholes in the valley (Apple, the other being Google)..
> I built and employed the JUCE library, it's the business behind the popular Tracktion (Win/Mac only, afaik). I
> successfully built and tested Kjetil's latest Mammut with it, and I must say that it's a very attractive GUI. Beats
> the tar out of the old GTK1 look. Some changes to the JUCE sources were needed, Jules knows about them, so
> hopefully the lib will soon compile for 64-bits out of the box.
> SuperCollider's sclang seems to be an utterly lost cause for pure 64-bit environments. I've set up a chroot to try
> running sclang from within that space, but I've yet to put together a complete development environment in the
> chroot (I need to compile sclang there). What a PITA.
i cant find any info on how hsc/ssc/supyrcollider compares on a feature/performance level with SCLang itself. mainly im too lazy to set up the chroot to know what i should be comparing against (and learn haskell, python, and scheme)..
> I built and tested some of the code from the EnergyXT2 site, including a couple "native Linux VSTs" (the CMT
> Bitcrusher and the Destroy FX Transverb). I could instantiate them within EnergyXT2, but no GUIs appeared. Btw, it
> seems that the EnergyXT2 devels have been working on a port of Steinberg's vstgui, it might be worth looking into.
> I'd be more interested in pursuing tests with the program, but my enthusiasm is tempered by the lack of source
wake me up when eXT doesnt require a chroot, can load LADSPAs and LV2, doesnt crash when connecting to jack, and you can properly open audio files, including FLACs, and has an OSC API to control its playback/sequencing engine :) then i'd think about spending the money ... although i'd prefer to paypal donate to a GPL project with similar specs..
> code. :(
> Sun has released an AMD64-happy JDK 1.5, which I've been using to run various Java-based music and sound apps. Not
> surprisingly, they work nicely. I've tested MEAPsoft, ImproVisor, and a few other useful apps, and I plan to see
> what can be done with jMusic and Phil Burk's jSyn environment. Btw, jCollider worked well with SC3, but I'm loathe
> to learn Java. Nothing against it, I'm just too busy to learn another language.
> I tried to build transcode yesterday, I want to convert some AVI files to DVD format. Alas, building the required
> mjpegtools failed, and I wasn't up to chasing down the cause (more unhappiness with 64-bits, I'm sure). Anyone have
> a better method for this project, maybe one that doesn't require transcode ?
transcode and mjpegtools are installed here (maybe mencoder uses them?). i didnt do anythign special other than emerge them some time ago. in /usr/portage/media-video/mjpegtools/files i notice
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1015 2006-08-28 17:36 mjpegtools-1.8.0-as-needed.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1092 2006-11-19 13:06 mjpegtools-1.8.0-fix-lav2mpeg.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 420 2005-12-19 05:19 mjpegtools-1.8.0-gcc41.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2473 2006-11-19 12:22 mjpegtools-1.8.0-lavrec-memleak.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1186 2006-07-30 07:42 mjpegtools-1.8.0-libquicktime.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1539 2006-11-20 08:02 mjpegtools-1.8.0-no-jpeg-mmx.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2163 2006-02-05 18:47 mjpegtools-1.8.0-parallelmake.patch
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 423 2006-08-25 08:21 mjpegtools-1.8.0-pkg-config.patch
maybe one of those is responsible for making it compile..
> Okay, peace out, ciao for now.
> Best,
> dp
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