On Saturday 17 February 2007 22:19, Yves Potin wrote:
> Hi.
> Here are two other tracks :
> http://download.jazzcomputer.org/picklejar/light_of_lost_summers.ogg
> (22 Mo, 10'49")
> http://download.jazzcomputer.org/picklejar/caves2.ogg
> (14,5 Mo, 8'09")
> With the previous track and another one called Breathes that I've
> announced here a couple of mounths ago, they constitute the content of an
> album. Any comment, especially to improve the sound of all this stuff,
> would really be welcome.
> Thanks in advance, and good hearing,
> Y.
I have a problem downloading caves2.ogg. The first time I downloaded it I find
I only have just under 3 mins of it, but now I get a 404 when trying to
download it again from this link.
I'd like to listen to the rest of it, as it came to an abrupt halt at just
under 3 mins.
btw. Waterdrops is a really nice tune.
Received on Fri Feb 23 00:15:06 2007
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