On Sun, Feb 25, 2007 at 05:29:57PM -0600, Gary Nored wrote:
> I have a problem burning standard audio CDs. On Ubuntu (Dapper Drake),
> using K3b I am able to burn all variety of disks (wavs, mp3s, etc) but
> when I create a standard audio CD I get dropouts. They do not sound like
> a disconnect, but rather more like a controlled fade, followed
> immediately by a fade to full volume. The whole dropout usually lasts
> 1/4 sec or so, though occasionally a dropout is not restored for the
> remainder of the track. The format of the source material is irrelevant.
> (PS. The drive was taken from an XP box where it creates audio CDs
> perfectly.)
> I've looked about for answers, but have never heard this symptom
> described elsewhere.
> Does anyone have any ideas?
Only to try another burning application, such as
cdrecord to see the problem arises.
> Gary
-- Joel RothReceived on Mon Feb 26 04:15:02 2007
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