I might have a few suggestions, but I'm having trouble finding these
Leonard Ritter tracks.
Leonard - whatever else you may excel at, you get an F for
self-promotion! (still better than an A for self-promotion and an F
for talent)
On 2/28/07, Chris McCormick <chris@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Hey All,
> I listened to the tracks that Leonard Ritter posted recently and then
> listened to my own latest track immediately after, which made me realise
> how innadequate it sounds, no matter how loud I turn it up. Does anyone
> have any mastering tips? I have no idea about mastering. Leonard, how
> do you get your stuff to sound so fat? Here's my track that doesn't
> sound fat enough:
> <http://www.sciencegirlrecords.com/chr15m/music/CD005/Chris%20McCormick%20-%20A%20Simple%20Plan.mp3>
> It's also written in a tracker.
> Best,
> Chris.
> -------------------
> chris@email-addr-hidden
> http://mccormick.cx
-- http://www.badmuthahubbard.comReceived on Thu Mar 1 20:15:03 2007
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