Greg Wilder wrote:
> Between the repeated calls to see a clone of Ableton on Linux, machismo
> arguments about the finer points of DSP theory, and the overzealous ego
> stroking of "I wanna sound like my favorite band, but I don't play well
> enough..." amateur musicians - what purpose does this list serve?
Amateurs are ppl too! And who says they don't have a place here as much
as anyone??? They have as much right and possibly more purposeful and
constructive input than the likes of this topic.
This is not "sarcastic" it's offensive and rude AFAIC.
I might add, that throughout history, the arts have had some form of
"ego" at or close to their nucleus; kept in check, Ego is *not* a dirty
word. most talented people possess one.
> Shouldn't this be a place to explore serious Linux-related musical topics that
> look to the wealth of unique and versatile Linux-based tools... How best to
> incorporate "live" web resources in a GNU/Linux powered installation?
> What "AI" tools are available to aid in the design of an intelligent
> improvising partner? Which application/design solutions work best for
> interactive sound design? What's the future of ambisonic audio
> looking/sounding like?
This is where this happens too! I watch the news at night when time
permits. I don't have the luxury of flipping through the bits that don't
meet my personal taste.
If I *pay* for a subscription to something, then I feel I have the right
to complain if I did not receive my bill of goods.
> "When will someone produce a chart-topping hit with Ardour" is _not_ a serious
> or productive topic and has _nothing_ to do with the reality of the industry.
Not that this is a topic of discussion very often that I recall, while
not at the atomic bit level of Linux Audio development, it *IS* relevant
in my mind;
when mainstream albums get sales and recognition, the technical
observers will always take notice to some degree of new things being
for good result. This gives Linux Audio better recognition on the whole
rather than a particular application, no? Has this not been one of the
goals from the gate??
> I'm sure I'm in the minority on this,
> but I'd like to see a show of hands -
> how many of you are lurking on this list with the faint hope that some tiny
> (but usefull) bit of information might just drop from the sky?
Speaking of ego...It's sounds almost as if your perspective and opinion
are consensus with regard to your view of this list!
> Despite my sarcastic tone, these comments are not meant to be destructive. I
> hope they might be a wake up call to a community that deserves better.
> Bombs away...
Bombs away indeed! Hate to be a bitch here but if you don't like what
is here or have a positive contribution (not that this inadvertently
perhaps won't be that...) Then unsubscribe, enjoy, and good luck to you!
> G
Received on Fri Mar 2 00:15:04 2007
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