On Thu, Mar 01, 2007 at 08:36:38PM +0100, Robin Gareus wrote:
> I'm torn. some of the Linux-Audio-user end-user discussions would
> clearly be better suited for a Forum. - maybe even upload the song and
> have both pointers and web-player...etc. radio-staion? - OTOH
> enthusiastic musicians are a very important on this list and it would
> be a shame to move their main attention to web-forums!
> LAU should stay an open and central point for linux-audio resources of
> any kind! if there's need that LAD can not accomadete, we should
> consider a linux-audio-mastering or linux-audio-songs or linux-audio-pro
> mailing list to refine gifts from the sky!
As far as I remember, there was a discussion started by someone
asking where the _music_ made with linux is and there was some
consensus that posting links to tracks and feedback would be
perfectly ok to post. Later on some thought it got a bit much
and LAM was created. But I think almost noone posted music
_only_ there, making it rather pointless.
Without music, linux audio would be empty.
-- Thorsten Wilms Thorwil's Creature Illustrations: http://www.printfection.com/thorwilReceived on Fri Mar 2 00:15:04 2007
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