On 3/1/07, Greg Wilder <gregwilder@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Shouldn't this be a place to explore serious Linux-related musical topics that
> look to the wealth of unique and versatile Linux-based tools... How best to
> incorporate "live" web resources in a GNU/Linux powered installation?
> What "AI" tools are available to aid in the design of an intelligent
> improvising partner? Which application/design solutions work best for
> interactive sound design? What's the future of ambisonic audio
> looking/sounding like?
p:d, Chuck et al have mailing lists that I'm sure would address your
specific need. I would also bet that discussions of that type would
be welcome here, too. Why don't you start some specific threads about
the topics you would like to discuss? I know I would find them
> Casually glancing over the Linux Audio Conference schedule provides numerous
> interesting thread topics: Livecoding with SuperCollider, Music Composition
> through Spectral Modeling Synthesis and Pure Data, Interfacing Pure Data with
> Faust, Python for Sound Manipulation, Stereo, Multichannel and Binaural Sound
> Spatialization in Pure-Data, A Tetrahedral Microphone Processor for Ambisonic
> Recording, Visual prototyping of audio applications (CLAM), and the list goes
> on and on...
Again, start the topics that you want to see discussed.
> I'm sure I'm in the minority on this, but I'd like to see a show of hands -
> how many of you are lurking on this list with the faint hope that some tiny
> (but usefull) bit of information might just drop from the sky?
Something I've learned in the very, very short time I've been a Linux
user - *nothing* drops from the sky. You have to work for it and,
most importantly, dig and do your research.
> Despite my sarcastic tone, these comments are not meant to be destructive. I
> hope they might be a wake up call to a community that deserves better.
> Bombs away...
> G
It sounds to me like the general nature of the list doesn't appeal to
you, which is just fine. I think subscribing to more specific lists
and using the information presented on this list as general help to
augment the others would be a better approach for you.
-- Josh Lawrence http://www.hardbop200.comReceived on Fri Mar 2 00:15:04 2007
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