On Thu, 2007-03-01 at 11:52 -0500, Greg Wilder wrote:
> Between the repeated calls to see a clone of Ableton on Linux, machismo
> arguments about the finer points of DSP theory, and the overzealous ego
> stroking of "I wanna sound like my favorite band, but I don't play well
> enough..." amateur musicians - what purpose does this list serve?
To provide information about *any* aspect of audio on Linux.
> Shouldn't this be a place to explore serious Linux-related musical topics that
> look to the wealth of unique and versatile Linux-based tools... How best to
> incorporate "live" web resources in a GNU/Linux powered installation?
> What "AI" tools are available to aid in the design of an intelligent
> improvising partner? Which application/design solutions work best for
> interactive sound design? What's the future of ambisonic audio
> looking/sounding like?
These are good topics too.
> Casually glancing over the Linux Audio Conference schedule provides numerous
> interesting thread topics: Livecoding with SuperCollider, Music Composition
> through Spectral Modeling Synthesis and Pure Data, Interfacing Pure Data with
> Faust, Python for Sound Manipulation, Stereo, Multichannel and Binaural Sound
> Spatialization in Pure-Data, A Tetrahedral Microphone Processor for Ambisonic
> Recording, Visual prototyping of audio applications (CLAM), and the list goes
> on and on...
I think you'll find that most of those topics are discussed on the
Linux audio developers mailing list since most of the people giving the
presentations at LAC are Linux audio developers.
> "When will someone produce a chart-topping hit with Ardour" is _not_ a serious
> or productive topic and has _nothing_ to do with the reality of the industry.
> If you wanna learn how squeeze more "thump" outta your woofers or get
> more "pop" from your tweeters, why not visit a relevant forum - there are
> many to choose from...
Linux audio users come in a number of sizes and shapes. Some are
rank amateurs and some are accomplished professionals. Pretty much any
Linux audio related topic is acceptable here. And, yes, that does
include getting more "thump" out of your woofers if you happen to be
using Linux to run them.
> I'm sure I'm in the minority on this, but I'd like to see a show of hands -
> how many of you are lurking on this list with the faint hope that some tiny
> (but usefull) bit of information might just drop from the sky?
Lots of larger than tiny bits of useful information show up here.
I've both provided and received some of them. I tend to check out a
topic and, if I'm not interested, those go in the dumper. If I'm
interested I'll check out the rest of the posts.
> Despite my sarcastic tone, these comments are not meant to be destructive. I
> hope they might be a wake up call to a community that deserves better.
I'm personally pretty happy with what I'm getting from the list as
it is - and I've been on it for a few years ;-)
-- Jan 'Evil Twin' Depner http://myweb.cableone.net/eviltwin69 "Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chardonnay in one hand, chocolate in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and screaming 'WOO HOO, what a ride'"Received on Fri Mar 2 00:15:05 2007
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