On 3/1/07, Atte André Jensen <atte.jensen@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Chuckk Hubbard wrote:
> > I bet people's music would be far more beautiful if they would sing
> > freely and often and then transcribe what they were singing, instead
> > of transcribing before the music even exists.
> True!
> I completely abandoned composing at the computer for exactly that
> reason. I find it quicker to experiment with everything from melody,
> harmony, lyrics, modulations to form when at the piano. Also I found
> that I only make good tunes when playing and *singing* along.
I had an interesting quandary, though, a few years ago, when I became
interested in extended just intonation tunings, with no limits on
modulation, i.e., an indefinite number of possible notes, so no scale.
There could be ways to make keyboards do it, by modulating with a
pedal or something, but I found software to be pretty quick. I wish
now that I had the piano skills I was just starting to develop when I
stopped, but I'm still more interested in extended, unscaled tunings.
Received on Fri Mar 2 12:15:03 2007
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