On Fri, Mar 02, 2007 at 04:55:46PM +0100, ciccolix wrote:
> Joe Hartley ha scritto:
> >You can record 10 channels at once - 8 analog and the 2 S/PDIF channels
> the 2 S/PDIF channels need a converter,
> someone can suggest a A/D converter for this pourpose
There don't seem to be many affordable 2 channel ad/da's on the market.
I've been occassionally looking for one to make use of the s/pdif on my
delta 66. Recently there is a behringer device that seems affordable,
but I have no idea as to its quality: Behringer SRC2496 ULTRAMATCH PRO
Converter, available for ~$130 US. If anyone has experience with it I
would like to hear from you.
Above that there is the rme adi-2 for around $700, way beyond what i'm
willing to spend considering I could switch to a delta 1010 for $400 or
buy a second delta 66 for $190. It seems there must just not be much of
a market for lower cost 2 channel converters.
Another option, if you only want AD is the Edirol M-10MX, a little mixer
with s/pdif out.
Something I've wondered, but haven't found an answer for: can any of the
usb audio devices with s/pdif io act as standalone converters? i.e.
pass their analog ins through their ADC and directly out s/pdif without
going through the usb bus to the host and back?
-Eric Rz.
Received on Sat Mar 3 00:15:02 2007
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