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On Fri, Mar 02, 2007 at 04:55:23PM +0100, Malte Steiner wrote:
> I downloaded and read the code of AMS and see some possibilities to
> improve its CPU load, it doesnt looked very optimized. Next week I could
> do the coding and send the patches to Fons, whom I already contacted.
> My approach I would descripe evolutionary, not revolutionary. Its like
> opening a big expensive vintage Moog Modular for soldering. I dont want
> to rewrite the soundengine, but like to help with optimizations and
> improvements regarding usebility. The changes have to be done very
> carefully and I will do an A/B test with the old AMS on the left and the
> new AMS on the right ear.
> Thats all I can offer...
That would be great! I'm trying to move away from GUI's and to ChucK and maybe SuperCollider or CSound for the future, but AMS gets some great sounds and I'll continue to use it.
Is Fons or someone setting up a GNA/Savannah/something public repository so people can submit patches and/or track SVN on it as it rises from its sleep?
- -ken
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Received on Sat Mar 3 00:15:02 2007
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