> That would be great! I'm trying to move away from GUI's and to ChucK and maybe SuperCollider or CSound for the future, but AMS gets some great sounds and I'll continue to use it.
> Is Fons or someone setting up a GNA/Savannah/something public repository so people can submit patches and/or track SVN on it as it rises from its sleep?
Actually I dont have a feedback from Fons yet, or maybe my spamfilters
killed it. Speed optimization is my first thing because I believe to see
some obvious stuff to improve but time will tell.
Second is an annoying dependency to something depricated QTLists or so
which at least made me necessary to google 10 minutes but I could
imagine that this turns off some newbies who dare to 'make' it and than
bang, no AMS for you. Autotools would be great too, its so simple to use
it but I have to look up how to do it, maybe its simple.
Than some improvements on the gui can be started. Thanks for the points
people mentionend already. An additional annoying thing is the right
click in the empty patch which brings up the color menue. And some
controls on objects are positionend suboptimal. For example the scope
has the trigger settings on another tab so you cant adjust while looking
on the screen and the results. Either I missed something or its just
suboptimal. These things cant be a big deal, but I would start the
optimizations first and if they really improve it I would declare it as
version 1.8.8, just to make it clear, AMS is back (although it never was
gone), wouldnt it be great to have a 1.8.8 for LAC?
-- Malte Steiner media art + development -www.block4.com-Received on Sat Mar 3 08:15:01 2007
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