On Fri, 2 Mar 2007 21:58:54 +0100
Thorsten Wilms <t_w_@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 01, 2007 at 09:52:42PM +0000, Chris Cannam wrote:
> > The top of the a appears to extend too far to the left, when it doesn't
> > have the complimentary x of linux sitting on its left.
> Hmm, yes, tweaked.
> > The s is just weird -- the lower loop looks much squarer than the upper
> > one. I'm guessing that they have the same curves but the lower loop
> > has a longer straight section between the curves. And the centre bar
> > of the s looks thinner than the top or bottom.
> A new s.
> Thanks Chris, that's the level I was hoping for!
> Which is not to say I don't appreciate simply positive comments,
> thanks to all who repllied ;)
> On Fri, Mar 02, 2007 at 06:47:38PM +0000, Burkhard Ritter wrote:
> > I like the overall approach of the logo and particularly the shading of
> > the second version. It bears no visual reference to audio or sound but
> > this is just fine, I guess.
> I had it on my scribbles but then forgot it for a while ... now a
> waveform in the background.
> > My main concern is the linuxaudio.org-writing, as it is not in the box
> > and thus doesn't seem to belong to the logo. Perhabs making it smaller
> > and putting it directly next to the box would help?
> It's meant to be secondary, the emphasis is on 'app'. At the side would
> make the whole thing very wide.
> > Or, alternatively,
> > putting it into the header of the box. But then, the problem with making
> > it smaller probably is that you can't read it properly when the logo is
> > scaled down. What about omitting it altogether?
> I think putting it into the window would make it look crowded.
> Here we go again:
> http://thorwil.affenbande.org/index.php/2007/03/02/appslinuxaudioorg-03/
OK, I can see the improvements although I wouldn't have thought of then
myself :)
I agree that linux.audio should *not* be inside the box. I would
suggest that it shouldn't be regarded as part of the logo.
Incidentally I read once that a logo can stand by itself as an
eye-catcher. There is no need for it have any obvious connection to the
'product' it advertises. Two examples that spring to mind immediately
are the golly that used to be on Robertsons Jam and the Philips logo.
-- Will J GReceived on Sat Mar 3 00:15:07 2007
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