On Fri, Mar 02, 2007 at 07:09:56PM -0500, Thomas Vecchione wrote:
> >
> >Can't you extend an existing app rather than starting a new project?
> >I know that Ardour has been used for sound installations, how are the
> >requirements of a theater different?
> Was looking at it, but at this time I am not sure Ardour is the best
> choice. Plus I gotta refresh my coding at the same time as its been a
> while, ardour is not what I like to jump in on;)
Recently there was some talk on #ardour regarding Ableton Live like
features. Seems to me there could be quite some overlap between
such loop-triggering and a theater sound playback system.
Roughly we would need transport on a per track (and groups of tracks)
basis (transport scopes). That might require deep changes, but wouldn't
be too hard on the gui/interaction side.
> But then the question is, from a standpoint of accepting there is
> limited time for people to spend on these things, which is going to
> create a better product for it, one that is dedicated to a single use,
> or one that is modified for multiple uses?
Wouldn't there be a tremendous benefit from Ardour's existing features,
full fledged arranging, cutting, automation?
Not strictly for a theater system, but:
I could also imagine a central 'hardware controler input mapping'
application that allows to map events from MIDI/keyboard/mouse/joystick
/tablet to every action other apps expose. So you could for example map
an octave of your MIDI keyboard to a loop-player but the rest to a
softsynth. Such a beast should support jack transport for being able
to delay action until the next bar/beat for loop-syncing :)
-- Thorsten Wilms Thorwil's Creature Illustrations: http://www.printfection.com/thorwilReceived on Sat Mar 3 12:15:01 2007
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