On 3/4/07, Chris McCormick <chris@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 03, 2007 at 11:43:00AM -0500, Chuckk Hubbard wrote:
> > >* KnobsAndSlidersDS ;)
> >
> > Funny that Pure Data users have shorter lists. And as I
> > recall, isn't
> > "KnobsAndSlidersDS" a Pure Data abstraction?
> No, it's a general purpose network based interface builder for the
> Nintendo DS which uses the FUDI protocol, and just happens to contain an
> example for puredata because that's the music software i use.
> It's a DS rom, and you can use it to control any program that can speak FUDI.
> Man, you know you're coding for a minority when it's hard to actually
> explain what your software does!
That's right. I remember seeing it on the list and thinking DS stood
for data structures, and that you had made knobs and sliders from data
structures, which would be very cool.
Received on Sun Mar 4 08:15:02 2007
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