Re: [linux-audio-user] LAC Recording Guidelines

From: nescivi <nescivi@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Mar 05 2007 - 15:12:17 EET

Hi Esben,

Monday, March 5, 2007, 3:47:08 AM, you wrote:

ES> It would be nice with some recording guidelines for LAC. Both for
ES> video and for audio.

ES> Maybe post a mail to linux-graphics-dev;).

ES> I'm talking about issues such as telling the participants to use big
ES> text on the slides. Maybe also, if the person is on the right side,
ES> maybe a vector overlay could be done, cheaply.

I will inform the authors.
But also note, the slides will be available as pdf's from the LAC
website as well. So there are readable versions of the slides

ES> It's also wise to position the camera such that there is little
ES> movement other than the speaker. This would save bandwidth and allow
ES> us to use higher resolution. Also, to not move the camera is nice.

ES> Also, to not allow questions from the audience without a microphone;).

This we always try, but sometimes the questions are so burning that
they can't wait for the microphone...

ES> There are also many issues recording the speaker.

Any tips are welcome.
As far as I understood from Jörn there were some problems to multiplex
the audio stream with the video stream, so they had to use the
mic-input from the camera. If you know of a good solution where we can
do the multiplexing with the audio stream from the mixing desk
properly, then please share your experience!


Best regards,
 nescivi                            mailto:nescivi@email-addr-hidden
Received on Mon Mar 5 20:15:02 2007

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