Hi Esben,
On Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 02:12:17PM +0100, nescivi wrote:
> Hi Esben,
> I will inform the authors.
> But also note, the slides will be available as pdf's from the LAC
> website as well. So there are readable versions of the slides
> available.
It would also be helpful if authors could be convinced to use "reverse
video" slides, i.e. light text on dark background.
> ES> It's also wise to position the camera such that there is little
> ES> movement other than the speaker. This would save bandwidth and allow
> ES> us to use higher resolution. Also, to not move the camera is nice.
at ZKM we were somewhat limited in the lecture hall due to locations of
network/power wrt to the speakers. So we were up close to the speaker
which sometimes made it tough to keep a speaker in frame if they started
wandering around very much. We'll see what the rooms in Berlin are like
in terms of camera placement options. Of course, there is always the
option of speaker-tethering.
> ES> There are also many issues recording the speaker.
> Any tips are welcome.
> As far as I understood from Jörn there were some problems to multiplex
> the audio stream with the video stream, so they had to use the
> mic-input from the camera. If you know of a good solution where we can
> do the multiplexing with the audio stream from the mixing desk
> properly, then please share your experience!
I'm trying out flumotion this week here at home which is supposed to be
able to mulitplex audio from a non-DV source. Hopefully this will prove
usefull. We'll do our best, but please remember that it is a volunteer
operation. ;)
-Eric Rz.
Received on Tue Mar 6 08:15:02 2007
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