In Mar 1 A.D. 2007 Russell Hanaghan scripsit:
> Hi all,
> Oh...FWIW.... I LOVE you guys! :)
Great! :-)
> Meanwhile,
> I would like a list of preferred apps from anyone who responds. If you had an
> Audio LiveCD you could pop in your machine and boot it up, what would you most
> prefer to see there?
> I have sampled them all recently and while they look great, work reasonably
> well and have lots of stuff in them application wise, I'm not convinced the
> simplicity is as honed as it can be.
> 1. What are your top 10 critical "must have" audio apps?
LADSPA-Plugins (swh, caps, cmt)
> 2. What are your top 5 utility apps?
vim, lynx/links, sox, ssh and lame/oggenc
> 3. Considering a mid powered box, (say 1800mhz, 1 gig ram, etc) what is your
> favorite WM or desktop?
> 4. How many people *don't* have at least a DVD read only drive that you can
> boot from?
Me, I don't have one to boot from, know a couple more.
> YOur contribution would be very much appreciated.
> Regards,
> Russell
Music was my first love and it will be my last (John Miles)
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