> This is a Midi synth, isn't it? Then your soundcard won't interfere
> with it too much.
Yes, it's a MIDI controller with a (pretty nice) built-in synth.
Currently, I use it as my input device in Duplex mode with JACK (audio
through USB), but if I were to get a new card, I suppose I would
connect it with a physical cable (SPDIF) instead of using ALSA as a
> So it depends, on how familiar you are with solving Linux-problems and
> how much time you want to invest. If you want to make music quickly
> instead of doing system administration then buy a USB card.
I'm pretty familiar with solving linux problems, but I don't want to
invest a lot of money only to find out that I need to write/hack a
driver myself! That degree of experience is over my head at the
> Personally I would consider to buy a real PCI card for the desktop.
> They aren't expensive: decent cards with the ICE-chipsets (like the
> Delta cards by M-Audio) start at about 70 Euro for stereo cards, and
> they will give better performance than USB or FW. Plus you will save a
> lot of time by not having to change your setup at home all the time.
Thanks for the suggestions, I'll definitely weigh my options and
decide on something soon.
Received on Wed Mar 7 08:15:01 2007
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