Louis Acresti hat gesagt: // Louis Acresti wrote:
> >This is a Midi synth, isn't it? Then your soundcard won't interfere
> >with it too much.
> Yes, it's a MIDI controller with a (pretty nice) built-in synth.
> Currently, I use it as my input device in Duplex mode with JACK (audio
> through USB), but if I were to get a new card, I suppose I would
> connect it with a physical cable (SPDIF) instead of using ALSA as a
> bridge.
Ah, so the X-Station already *is* a USB-soundcard. That's nice, why do
you need another one? ;)
-- Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__Received on Wed Mar 7 12:15:01 2007
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