On Wed, Mar 07, 2007 at 10:19:40AM +0100, Thorsten Wilms wrote:
I reread Nick's post and noticed I got some things the wrong way
this morning, sorry. So this is how I should have replied.
> > I more than second that opinion. Music is about movement, sound, energy,
> > dance, poetry, romance, sex and rock and roll. I don't feel that a blue box
> > with the text apps really reflects any of that, and if the association that
> > you want to make about what linux brings to music then perhaps this does
> > not quite hit the mark. The graphics are good, they are actually 'today',
> > but I don't think they are representative.
No it doesn't reflect any of that. I would be hard pressed to express
dance, poetry, romance, sex and rock and roll in a logo, anyway.
The logo is meant to express that it's about APPLICATIONS. A pretty
generic concept. With a waveform in the background, I don't consider
it important to express sound in the logo too.
Also the logo doesn't stand for linuxaudio, it stands for this particular
sub-site, emphasizing the one specific thing about it: apps.
This site is all about organisation, categorisation. Thus I'm fine if
the logo has a touch of 'office'.
-- Thorsten Wilms Thorwil's Creature Illustrations: http://www.printfection.com/thorwilReceived on Wed Mar 7 20:15:02 2007
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